We love a win-win situation where sharing your photo shoot locations with your clients is just as easy for them as it is for you. The strategy is a Location Pinterest Board.
Quick important side note: If you’re a photographer, you should have an active Pinterest account that you’re using to drive traffic to your website and feature your photos from your sessions so your clients can see your style and what options they have. It’s also a great place to have clothing ideas, but that’s a different blog post.
Alright, back to our regularly scheduled programming. A location Pinterest board for your photo shoot locations is much easier for you to keep updated with current photos and new locations versus a PDF. At the same time, it’s easy to send to your clients and let them poke around at all of your locations and see lots of photos during every season to decide which location is the best fit for the style they’re looking for.

3 Steps to Make a Pinterest Board for Photo Shoot Locations:
1. Have a business Pinterest account. Make sure that your account is a business account so you can use all the analytics and link it to your website.
2. Make a Pinterest board and title it “{city you’re based in} Photo Locations”. For example, mine is called “Fresno, CA Photo Locations. With this Pinterest board, I’m not worried about using the smartest SEO, this board is for a smoother client journey so that’s the filter I use when naming the boards.

3. Within the main location board, make subcategory boards for all photo shoot locations and the season in which the photos were taken. For example, one of my boards would be named “Woodward Park – Spring”. Within this subcategory board, I would pin photos from a variety of sessions from that location and season. This way my client knows what the photo shoot locations look like in the season where they’re having their photos taken.
It’s super easy to implement and it really is a game changer for your clients and for you! Right now, I’m hyper-focused on my client journey and making it as smooth and enjoyable as possible from the minute they’re on my website to the follow-ups that I have with them after their session.
Another important side note: If you’re not building out your client journey before and after the actual session, you’re missing out on a really important time to make a lasting impression on your clients. Building a Pinterest location board is a great way to give something to your client before the session that makes it easier for them and better helps them visualize what they can expect from their session. I’ve learned that the more prepared I can make my clients feel the more confident they show up to their session.
Building a Pinterest location board also cuts down on extra busy work on your side when you need to make updates. Having to mess with a PDF and update your emails every time, takes a lot of time that you probably don’t have. A Pinterest board is much easier to delete, add and modify locations depending on your business.
If you’re working on your client journey and are ready to take the next step, check out my blog post on how to make a photography prep guide! A prep guide is another game changer when it comes to your client journey and making it as smooth and enjoyable as possible for them. Make sure to include a clickable link to your Pinterest location board in your prep guide!
And for the photographers out there who feel like they’ve taken their photography business as far as they can, but want to continue to grow, my Intentional Photographer course is for you! Join the waitlist and take your business to the next level.
For my TLDR people: check out this video to learn how to make a Pinterest Location Board.